Bergg vs. Food TV

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Zach (aka "Bergg") has just accepted a new challenge!!! While we wait for feedback from readers on our previous poll, a new challenge has come our way!! The next challenge takes us south of the border...(the Wisconsin state border..) "Wiener and Still Champion" in Evanston, IL.

As if the name itself isn't intriguing enough, this burger place is challenging Bergg to finish a 3 lb. cheese burger in under 28 minutes!!

Bergg is determined to do this in record time, and based on his preliminary challenge, he knows what he's up against!! If I can hopelessly humor you for a second.....he's seen the other team's playbook, he's studied their every move, he's more than prepared.....he's destined to be victorious in what we're going to call..."Take Two" of burger challenges!!

If there's anything that fuels Bergg to reign victorious more than the shear aspect of being number 1, its the support.....and nagging, of fellow on-lookers.....(believe nearly worked last time, and that was an even bigger monster!!) So, if you can make it, please come out and cheer him on!! Celebratory drinks will be had following the event......that is for everyone but Bergg....he'll probably want to stick strictly to Pepto Bismol after that beast!!...

Hope to see you there!! Happy Eating!!

Date and Time:   Saturday, January 16th at 1:00pm

Location:    "Wiener and Still Champion"  
                    802 Dempster St.
                    Evanston, IL 60202

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